• “Jane Warren is a wonderful editor. The books of mine that she worked on were made infinitely better by her ideas and insights. She has a natural ability to hone in on what an author means to say, and to figure out the best possible way for the author to say it.”—Helen Humphreys, author of The Evening Chorus

  • “Revising and rewriting is hard work, but it felt easy with Jane. She’s extremely insightful, knowledgeable, and generous. Ultimately, she made my manuscript a better story, and me a better writer. I highly recommend her, and I plan to work with her again on my next project.”—Tara Gereaux, author of Saltus

  • “Jane Warren is the best editor I know. Part of what makes her approach so special is that she’s genuinely interested in stepping into a work and helping it become more the author’s own. She doesn’t insist on her own rules or prescriptions—an unusual gift among editors, not to mention people in general. I can’t recommend her highly enough as a sensitive reader and expert guide through the publishing landscape.”—Damian Tarnopolsky, author of Every Night I Dream I’m a Monk, Every Night I Dream I’m a Monster

  • “Quite simply, working with Jane Warren has been the most rewarding experience in my professional life. She has a most delicate means of nudging you toward your best writing self, understanding intuitively how to point you in the right direction without handing you the map—preferring to bequeath the greater gift of ensuring that the joy and the journey of writing are yours. A pen may be a one-person tool, but working with Jane means I’m never writing alone.”—John Foden, author of Magenta